Heavy Metal Toxicity IV Chelation Therapy

Indications: Chronic Heavy Metal Toxicity (Lead, Mercury…etc)

Contains: Calcium EDTA

Rapid Infusion of Calcium EDTA

The 30 minute IV infusion method of administration of CALCIUM EDTA has been safely used in Europe for over 30 years. Doctor Blumer near Zurich, Switzerland has given tens of thousands of these without adverse effect and followed his patients for up to 30 years afterward. He has reported an 80-90% reduction in the incidence of heart attacks and cancer in his patients who took at least 30 of these. This infusion may be given once a week when the patients’ need for detoxification is greater, or monthly when they are being primarily given for preventive purposes.

The ACAM Protocol, a 3 hour infusion, has been the primary method of administration of EDTA in the United States. I recommend that my patients should understand that the proven benefits and the minimum risk associated with the clinical use of EDTA suggests that if they feel the benefits from the 30 minute infusion, they may safely plan to continue to use these IV push treatments preventatively for as long as they want, but probably less frequently once their primary health problem has been resolved.

We have all seen or heard about benefits in some patients receiving the ACAM Protocol for IV EDTA infusions. Now I have been hearing those stories and more from physicians following the basic simple protocol I am proposing as an alternative for those who cannot spare 3 hours.

This new approach is documenting excretion of toxic heavy metals coming out in levels never routinely seen before with any method of administration or any other chelator currently available anywhere. It still remains to be determined if the 3 hour Disodium EDTA Chelation method may still have some superior benefits. I believe it is possible that it may be somewhat more effective in certain conditions and those doing well with that approach may still see additional benefits if they occasionally do the rapid IV method for its enhanced detoxification effects.

Unfortunately, since some patients failed to see reversal of their elevated coronary calcification levels as measured on E.B.T. (Electron Beam Tomography) or on coronary CAT scans with the old chelation technique as adopted by ACAM some 30 years ago, we now find a big interest in more effective approaches and certainly the work with rectal suppositories deserves careful consideration. There is always something more to learn and I prefer to use the oxidative therapies to the rectal suppositories in combination with this protocol, but there is a need to accumulate more data. The inability to reverse some coronary calcifications with the old protocol that I initially wrote, has put pressure on chelating doctors to broaden their approach to Cardiovascular disease and treat every associated risk factor vigorously, whether it is elevations of c-reactive protein, homocysteine of Lpa. This protocol is merely another step in helping to develop new protocols that can save at least some of the best and most predictable of the chelation benefits we have all seen in nearly 1 million patients, most of which I now suspect may have been due to improved NO (Nitric Oxide) induction, and not due to any roto-rooter effect or actual plaque removal.

Provocative Urine Testing

I urge patients to get this test done on the first or at least by the second IV push. The provoked urine mineral test is often more informative than a treadmill ECG, which test after all carries real potential for harm and the knowledge gained is far less useful in terms of patient outcome than what you will uncover with provocative mineral testing.

The urine is collected for 6 hours after the IV infusion (with oral DMSA) and carefully examined. Test take 7-10 days to process and the results are then reviewed Dr. Pearsall.

Fortunately there is NO record of any serious renal or other damage ever occurring from a single injection of EDTA that I am aware of from the over 7000 articles on EDTA that I have reviewed over the past 30 years.

List of Ingredients

Calcium disodium EDTA To Bind and Eliminate Heavy Metals
Ascorbate (Vitamin C) Anti-oxidant and to achieve isoosmolarity
Pantothenic Acid (B-5) For anti-oxidant properties
Thiamine (B-1) For anti-oxidant properties
Pyridoxine (B-6) To replace chelation losses
Sodium Bicarbonate To act as a buffer and reduce discomfort
Potassium Chloride To replace losses
Magnesium Chloride To reduce local discomfort and replace losses
Procaine HCL To reduce local discomfort
Heparin To reduce local phlebitis