Information for Women

Estrogen and Progesterone Treatment

Natural Female Hormones:
The Powerful Pellet
Female Hormone Questionnaire


While modern anti-aging doctors are still puzzled about the exact reasons many Americans face issues related to hormone imbalances - debating whether it's a natural part of the extended aging process or a side effect of poor exercise and nutrition - the fact remains, these conditions affect the daily lives of women across the country.

Women who experience hormonal imbalances can fall victim to a litany of symptoms, ranging from lighter though still problematic issues like foggy memory and mood swings to larger complications such as decreased sex drive and insomnia that can put a serious strain on their work and home lives.

Still, with advances in modern science, it is possible for older women to once again regain their youthful glow and vigor. At Longevity Centres of America, our specialty is helping our customers recapture this lifestyle through a variety of cutting-edge treatments like natural hormone replacement therapy.

However, first we need to help our patients identify the underlying cause of their symptoms:

Estrogen imbalance
While commonly thought of as one hormone, estrogen is part of a family of "feminine" hormones that do more than simply control the menstrual cycle: They also create the female shape and help keep skin smooth and unwrinkled. Estrogen hormones have even been linked to lowering the risk that women will face heart disease, osteoporosis and certain joint conditions.

Due to these benefits, those who experience a drop in estrogen may even see increased wrinkles, hair loss and decreased sexual desire, and while most common in older women, younger women may occasionally experience these symptoms as a result of an estrogen imbalance.

Progesterone imbalance
A dominant hormone during pregnancy, the main job of progesterone is preparing an egg for fertilization. However, it also prevents the side effects of hormonal shifts such as PMS, bloating, migraines and irritability.

Common side effects of a progesterone deficiency include painful, swollen breasts, bloating and irritability during the period. Additionally, those with this condition could experience swelling in their hands, feet and face and take on an aggressive look that detracts from their natural beauty.

Testosterone imbalance
Testosterone, like estrogen, is often misunderstood, as it plays a vital role in the health of both men and women. For women, testosterone facilitates the development of bones and muscles, and as such, it can help elderly women fight bone loss, weight loss and other aspects of the aging process when administered as part of a broader anti-aging treatment.

How Longevity Centres of America can help
At Longevity Centres of America, Dr. Gurney Pearsall and Dr. Marina Pearsall have been working since 1998 to bring the keys to longevity and good health to our clients. With their experience and proven track record leading the way, our team of anti-aging doctors can help you identify hormonal imbalances that may be affecting your health and beauty. Better still, we've reviewed natural hormone delivery methods, everything from messy creams to gels, and can now recommend sub-dermal, bio-identical pellets as the preferred delivery method for treatment.

In hundreds of patients, we've seen pellet therapy, which involves the placement of small rice-sized pellets beneath the skin, increase energy, focus and sex drive. The results make it beneficial for women of all ages who want to restore their hormonal balance and recapture their natural vigor and vitality.

To ask questions and secure your necessary blood tests for treatment, call the location nearest you. For our Denver offices, dial 1-303-639-5600 or call 1-713-522-4037 to reach our Houston office. 


Female Hormone Questionnaire


Do you have a lack of Energy?




Do you have Hot Flashes?




Are you in Menopause?




Do you have Mood Swings (PMS)?




Have you noticed a decreased "enjoyment of life"?




Do you have excessive Body Hair?




Do you have Adult Acne?




Do you have Fibrocystic Breasts?




Do you have a decrease in Libido (sex drive)?




Do you have increased Abdominal Fat?



If you answered YES to any of the questions above, we recommend you undergo an Anti-Aging Evaluation. Please contact us to schedule your appointment.

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